
domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

PhotoExposition - Berlengas 12'

On August 2012 our team went on a second expedition to the Berlengas Archipelago. This time we focused our attention on the fauna that inhabits the landscapes and waters of the main island. We took a preliminary and less methodical look on the biodiversity of this insular ecosystem that may enable us to return in the near future and catch a more extensive glimpse of the many wonders of life happening on this cliffs and shallows.

Bellow there is a collection of photos captured by our team during the expedition: Enormous colonies of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) filled with grey chicks and protective nesting adults; dry highlands full with interacting bocage's wall lizards (Podarcis bocagei berlengensis) and grasshoppers; Thriving thinlip mullets (possibly Liza ramada) and sargos (Diplodus sargus) on almost crystal clear waters - Life in its greatest beauty and complexity.

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