
terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012

New Horizons

The search for a new horizon is an animal and natural process. It's built in us for practical reasons. We, animals, probe our surrounding Universe for food and for water, for protection and reproduction, for opportunities to thrive.
We Humans still search for new possibilities and advantages but we do something more. We can extract pleasure from the discovery. The prospect of reaching some distant shore, a distant land, or even a dim and remote moon in some remote star system, can really fill our hearts. Our curiosity soars and take us to new places. It guides me through some hill's ridge on Earth as it guided Humanity out of our blue spherical home. We have searched for a new horizon in our planet's horizons and now we rush to new ones lying on the Moon, on Mars, on Titan or Europa.
Curiosity and exploration can lead us to reach better things, new things. Our instinct call us to explore and we must attend that call.


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